Family Surveys
Feedback from families provides us with valuable information about how well we are meeting their needs.

We collect family feedback from two surveys. These surveys offer us opportunities to measure overall family satisfaction and engagement within our program.
Parent Gauge
Parent Gauge is a family engagement assessment tool designed specifically for Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The tool measures the parent experience and the impact of our programs. Most families agree or strongly agree that CAP Tulsa supported them to manage their child’s emotions this year. Learning to manage emotions is an important skill set to learn in early childhood!
Family Satisfaction Survey
Our family satisfaction survey seeks to understand a family’s likelihood of recommending our program to other friends and families, as well as how well we meet their needs, treat them with respect, and their connectedness to our program. Within each of these questions, we are able to compare our results to other similar organizations across the US.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a globally recognized indicator of customer satisfaction. Results range from –100 to 100. In Spring 2024, our NPS was 87 compared to 57 for other human services organizations.
In addition to our NPS, families shared their feedback on other key questions.

Commitment to Excellence
We also heard families’ thoughts on opportunities for improvement across the agency:
- We heard the need for added aftercare at some schools, and have made slight changes to our model to allow some additional flexibility in the coming year. As staffing and slot capacity allows, we hope to better meet the demand for aftercare at all schools.
- Reviewing processes and procedures as it pertains to paperwork and program transitions was highlighted as an opportunity for improvement. As an agency committed to continuous improvement, we are always reviewing and seeking efficiencies to further streamline our processes to better support families and staff.
- Finally, we received suggestions for helping to familiarize families with staff at schools beyond teaching teams. We are considering options for displaying names, titles, and mini-bios for family-facing positions, similar to what families are used to seeing outside the classroom, for staff who work at the front of the building or in spaces throughout the schools.
Survey Comments & Feedback
When I put my children into CAP, it was a really hard decision for me. I was a single mom and very protective, but I had heard about it through my job and word of mouth, but two weeks after being in the program - I definitely felt like, WOW, where has this been all my life!Sand Springs Family
Because of the program we now have a better future ahead of us for the whole family. My son has the best education and care.Briarglen Family
The program has taught me different strategies for calming my son down when he is upset and using those things at home. Recreating what they do at school at home, reading his emotions, and learning how to respond to them.Reed Family
The staff have worked with my family during some extraordinary circumstances and have always been respectful, kind, and supportive.Skelly Family