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Recruitment and Community Resources Event
Come Chill at
Frost on Saturday, July 20 from 10-2!
KJamz Live Radio Remote - Frost Kidz Zone - Free Child Immunizations - First Responder Vehicles - Door Prizes & More!
See the flyer for details.

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Family Surveys

Feedback from families provides us with valuable information about how well we are meeting their needs.


We collect family feedback from two surveys. These surveys offer us opportunities to measure overall family satisfaction and engagement within our program.

Parent Gauge

Parent Gauge is a family engagement assessment tool designed specifically for Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The tool measures the parent experience and the impact of our programs. Most families agree or strongly agree that CAP Tulsa supported them to manage their child’s emotions this year. Learning to manage emotions is an important skill set to learn in early childhood!

Family Satisfaction Survey

Our family satisfaction survey seeks to understand a family’s likelihood of recommending our program to other friends and families, as well as how well we meet their needs, treat them with respect, and their connectedness to our program. Within each of these questions, we are able to compare our results to other similar organizations across the US.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a globally recognized indicator of customer satisfaction. Results range from –100 to 100. In fall 2022, our NPS was 86 compared to 61 for other human services organizations.

In addition to our NPS, families shared their feedback on other key questions.

Commitment to Excellence

We also heard families’ thoughts on opportunities for improvement across the agency:

  • Some families expressed a desire to better understand teacher training and supervision. CAP Tulsa welcomed many new teachers during the last school year who participated in several learning modules. Instructional Coaches observe all classrooms and provide constructive feedback and instruction on classroom management and equitable teaching practices. As an agency committed to life-long learning, we provide frequent training and learning forums to help all teachers in their ongoing professional growth and development.
  • CAP Tulsa was excited to welcome families back into the building for the 2022-2023 school year following the pandemic. As we ramped up in-person programming after a 2-year hiatus, families noted some opportunities for improvements in communication about school events and activities. Across all our schools and programs, we are excited to continue to build relationships with families and will continue to improve communication, especially around events, in a timelier manner.
  • Reviewing policies, including photo IDs needed for pickup, to ensure that school safety is consistently maintained without causing families undue burdens.
  • Families have a need for greater availability of before and aftercare slots. Several changes have been made for the 2023-2024 school year that should enable us to offer more aftercare slots to families in need of this service.

Survey Comments & Feedback

I love that they make you feel welcome the second you step in the school, very professional. They love what they do and they love the kids. Couldn't ask for better staff!
Frost Family
CAP Tulsa has been a blessing to me and my family. My baby has always enjoyed and loved going there every day. My husband and I have been able to work, enroll in school, and we are so grateful. Thank you so much CAP Tulsa!
McClure Family
We do so much more reading and storytelling. I was able to learn this from CAP. I read to my daughter every evening before bed. This has helped me with my communication with her.
Disney Family
He talks a lot more. He uses full sentences. When he is crying he tries to calm himself down and tells me why. When I am sad he talks to me about how I am feeling and asks if I want to go to the safe place.
Rosa Parks Family