CAP Tulsa believes every child can learn!

Our Approach
Our play-based, relationship-rich classrooms support each child to grow and develop. Our quality teaching staff strive to provide individually, developmentally, and culturally appropriate interactions and environments every day. Because families are the child’s first, and most important teacher, your involvement plays an important part in your child’s experience at CAP Tulsa.
Our approach is guided Head Start and Early Head Start standards, standards of practice for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), The Program for Infant/Toddler Care principles (PITC), and the most recent research from the field of early childhood.

Our Curriculum
CAP Tulsa implements research-based early childhood curricula to support teachers to provide developmentally appropriate, individualized learning experiences for every child every day. The Creative Curriculum is our foundational curriculum supporting development in the social-emotional, physical, language, cognitive, math, and literacy domains for children across all age groups. Classrooms also implement trauma-informed, evidence-based social-emotional support using Conscious Discipline and preschool classrooms support further development in emergent mathematics using the Building Blocks Math curriculum.

Our Assessments
To ensure we are supporting each child to grow to their full potential, teachers track learning and development across different areas throughout the year. Teachers use what they learn from various screeners, assessments, and daily observations to plan supports and activities for each child tailored to their strengths and needs. Two screening tools, the ASQ-SE2 and the ASQ-3 are completed at age milestones throughout the year. My Teaching Strategies (MyTS) assesses a wide range of areas and is used across all age groups. The Early Learning Quick Assessment (ELQA) assesses literacy, language, and math development in our preschool classrooms.